What a bountiful harvest it has been! We have enjoyed every precious minute preparing and sharing what we have worked so hard for. We are happy to say we have canned many fruits and vegetables to enjoy throughout the winter. We hope that you have had a bountiful harvest as well.
We have spent a fair bit of time talking about fruit lately. Now let’s talk vegetables! We will be harvesting many delightful vegetables in the next short while. Let’s take a closer look at some of the vitamins and minerals found inside of each vegetable we will be bringing in.
Even though one onion is made up of about 89% water, there is still room for numerous other good things inside of this delicious vegetable. In addition to water, onions contain vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are essential to immune system function, lowering blood pressure, maintaining heart health, and even lowering blood sugar. In one study of people with type 2 diabetes, eating one serving of raw onions per day led to a significant reduction in blood sugar. So, eat and flavor your foods with onions. Your health will thank you for it!
Potatoes and Carrots
Potatoes are an excellent source of many essential vitamins and minerals. Just one medium potato contains 28% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C, 27% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B6, 26% of the daily recommended intake of potassium, and 19% of the daily recommended intake of manganese. Remember that much of the vitamins and minerals are found in the skins of the potatoes. If you want a potato that is extra healthy, well, then try sweet potatoes! Sweet potatoes are sure to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. They are known as a superfood, meaning they have more nutrients per bite than another similar food. In addition to numerous vitamins and minerals, sweet potatoes contain two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Neither type can be digested, so they stay in your digestive tract and aid your digestive system in working to the best of its ability. Although they are different, carrots carry similar nutrients as sweet potatoes. So, remember to keep carrots in your diet!
Green Beans
Green beans have the proteins needed to maintain strong and healthy bones, hair, organs, and muscles. Green beans are a good source of manganese, which supports metabolism, bone health, and even wound healing. Green beans are also a good source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. These minerals aid in cell growth, building of proteins, healing of damaged tissue, and many other important bodily functions. Be sure and keep fresh or canned green beans in mind for a wholesome and easy snack, side, or mix in addition to any meal!
Summer Squash
Although squash is technically classified as fruit, most of us eat and think of it as a vegetable. The yellow squash that we harvest is chock-full of vitamins A, B6, C, folate, magnesium, fiber, riboflavin, phosphorus, manganese, and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are essential to production of healthy red blood cells, immune system function, and bone strength. They also help the body to process fats and carbohydrates. There are so many ways to eat this tasty food that you simply can’t go wrong!
Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are another food we tend to think of as vegetables that are technically fruits. They contain compounds that are beneficial to the retina of the eyes. Because of these compounds, numerous studies have shown regular consumption of bell peppers to lower the risk of developing eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Bell peppers are also an excellent source of fiber. Unfortunately, even though there are so many known health benefits of fiber, an estimated 95% of Americans do not consume enough. If you are looking to add fiber to your diet, bell peppers are a delicious and simple way to do so.
Year after year, we care for our vegetables. They not only taste great, but they also return the favor and care for us. That may sound odd, but the way we look at it, harvest time is when the favor of our hard work is returned. It is when we finally end up with numerous mouth-watering meals, snacks, and sides. These foods aid our bodies in functioning the very best they can. As you can tell, we are quite fond of them. We hope you will savor them and allow them to boost your health right along with us.
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